Sunday, November 16, 2014

Updates in Uber'land (written back in...May?)

A few new happenings since the opening weekends of Uber...the concise and precise version

  • I drove a girl who taught Katie's art class when she did a wine and canvas night with the Zionsville Mom's group (this was a pretty lucky pick up as I was not really near their location and it was a prime time of evening)
  • I took a few people to Center Grove (which is a haul and you probably won't be coming back with passengers.)  Prayed that I would find some way to make money on the south side. About halfway to CG a friend texted me from the southside needing a ride.  Unfortunately timing didn't work out and I was headed back north with an empty car.  I thought about sticking around on the south side for a bit, and I asked God to give me some sign if I should stay.  I drove a couple minutes down the road and had a request from Beech Grove to head across town.  Shortly after I dropped that guy off I had a request to go from Southport, pretty far west, and it ended being a $40 fair.  I met up with my friends eventually, took them home, and then had numerous other requests from the near vicinity.  South was blowing up that night!
  • On Wednesday, 3/19, I got up early (~4:45am) and after sitting around reading my Bible and asking some important life questions on 1 Timothy 5 I got a request from an auto shop in Zionsville.  After a brief conversation I learned that the owner of the shop was looking for someone to help get his clients from his shop back home after dropping off their cars for work.  The fare wasn't much, but it was a very promising conversation and hopefully some lucrative future business.
    (follow up to this - owner did not work out and said "I have worked long and hard to get this business up and running, I'm not interested in promoting anyone except myself,"  to which I walked out scratching my head wondering if he had missed the whole concept of Jesus first, others second, self last. And yes, I know this business owner is a Christian.) 

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