Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Where to begin?????

New home. New fence. New Neighbors. New appliances....new life?

Moving is sort of strange in a way.  One night you sleep in one location. Then the next you sleep in an entirely different place with all of your same belongings.  This is different from say, staying in a hotel or with a friend, because you move all of your "stuff" with you. Same TV, same furniture, same piano, same utensils, cups, dishes, etc. they are all just in a different location.  It is also interesting to see all of your "stuff" put into boxes and loaded into the back of a truck (or trucks in our case)  I think the expression is unanimous when people move and think, "I didn't think we had that much stuff!"  

Which leads me to wonder, why do I have so much stuff?  Is it because I don't like to throw anything away?  Somewhat.  Is it because I just have too much stuff? Yes.  I have come to realize though, that of all the things I do have, I cannot brag or boast about any of them.  I believe these belongings are merely gifts from God that I am meant to steward until it is someone else's time to own them.  

Take, for example, our house that we just moved from.  I truly believe it was through divine intervention that I was able to occupy that house during the time frame that I did. How else could I have happened to mention that I was looking for a place to rent, to the exact person that I needed to mention it to, in the time frame that she was looking for someone to rent her house?  This is just one small example of all the great gifts that have been bestowed upon me which I need to recognize and give glory to the proper place.  

That glory is all His and I want nothing that I say or do to stand in the way of others recognizing that belief in my life.  Amen.

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